Posted by: itellhalif | June 28, 2016

Out of the Field

Every good thing comes to an end.  We are out of the field.  We know that there are many more things to be found and questions to be answered, but we had to make a decision not to get involved in situations we cannot complete before departure.  So, here are the last shots of the loom weights we discovered yesterday as we were ready to call it quits.



We recovered all of these loom weights and many more that were in somewhat higher levels.  Not to worry, we documented them all.  We took out the mortar because we worried that someone else might fancy it.  However, we still don’t know how deep goes the pillar next to the mortar.


Another view of the loom weights.

We completed drawing the sections, top plans, and collected the tools and equipment to be stored.  The final few days will be devoted to making sure we leave everything in order for future work.

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